what does biweekly mean?

TLDR: The term "biweekly" can mean either every two weeks or twice a week, leading to potential confusion. To avoid misunderstandings, it's best to specify the intended frequency and provide context.

The term "biweekly" has two primary meanings: it can refer to events occurring every two weeks, which is the more common usage, or it can mean twice a week, a less frequent interpretation. This duality can create ambiguity, especially in contexts where the frequency of events is important. To enhance clarity, it is often recommended to use more specific phrases like "every two weeks" or "twice a week."

In practice, "biweekly" is frequently used in American English to denote a fortnightly schedule, such as in the case of a biweekly paycheck. However, to prevent confusion, it is crucial to provide context when using the term. For example, stating that a meeting is biweekly could imply either twice a week or every two weeks, so specifying the intended meaning is advisable. By understanding these nuances and employing clear communication strategies, one can effectively convey the intended frequency of events.

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